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I am a husband and a father and I pray that I will continue to look more like Christ to my wife and children each day. I pray that all that I do will be used to give glory to the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

God give me...

This short video comes from Frances Chan and kind of goes with my post from yesterday.


  1. Talk about an exercise in trusting God's provision! Yikes. It's amazing how comfortable we have become in our Americanism.

  2. Yeah. It is one of those statements that even if you are less materialistic than most people, it makes you say "Yeah...But..." I want to get there though.

  3. I'm with Gracie.... WOW!

    Talk about anti-what the culture teaches! Suzy Orman (whom I typically respect when it comes to her money advice) tells us to have enough in savings to pay for everything we own for 6-9 months if the breadwinner is to lose their job. We take the advice or strive towards what she and Dave Ramsey teach and I wonder if we (as in Americans) are making them our financial Gods instead of keeping our Lord as the director and leader of our finances.

    Lord, please humble me with my funds.
    Please do continue to provide for the needs of my family but honestly show me how I can better use the excess for YOU and nothing else.
