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I am a husband and a father and I pray that I will continue to look more like Christ to my wife and children each day. I pray that all that I do will be used to give glory to the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who is your King?

This Sunday in bible class we discussed Jesus the King. I have just been thinking about it and wanted to go into a little more detail of some of my closing thoughts. Jesus Christ is called the King of Kings. So what is a king? One who has supreme authority and power over his kingdom?

Does Jesus have supreme authority in your life? There are 2.1 Billion people in this world that are Christians. Now this is an all encompassing figure that includes anyone whose faith is connected with Christ. But we will use it to make the point. Of the 2.1 Billion Christians (which by the way is roughly 1/3 of the worlds’ population), how many do you think submit to Jesus Christ as the supreme ruler of their lives? What about you? What about me? Is Jesus the king of everything in your life? Is He the king of your tongue? How about your check book? Your thoughts? Your work ethic? I have my doubts that the number is very high at all. I know the answer for me and I am not proud of it.

So what do we do? Now I know some people may want to argue that, we are not perfect people, so it is impossible to have Jesus as the supreme authority in our lives because we are sinful by nature. I am thinking back to something someone said to me recently along the lines of “Before Christians start getting down on themselves, we need to remember that even though we aren’t perfect, we are being transformed by Jesus and we will be made perfect in the end, so it is ok if we aren’t doing all the stuff we should be doing.” It made my skin crawl when I heard it and it still does. I NEED to recognize that I am nowhere near where I need to be, and that IS NOT ok. Now I am not saying that by me doing a better job that I can earn God’s grace and favor, but it is not ok for me to be in the same spot (spiritually speaking) today that I was in 5 years ago. I can’t just say Jesus will make up for it in the end, so I am alright. Jesus can transform our lives if we let him. My problem is that I let him have control of part of me, but I hold onto a few things. The things I really want to be in charge of.

So my challenge is to all of us. Think about the things in your life that Jesus is not the King of and give it over to Him. Pray for His supreme authority in your life. Let Jesus increase in your life while you decrease.

I am including a video that many of you have seen before. When I listen to this sermon segment on Jesus and all of the things that He is, I get goose bumps. Actual goose bumps not just saying that I do for emphasis. Look at what this has to say about Jesus Christ and let him be all of those things in your life.

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