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I am a husband and a father and I pray that I will continue to look more like Christ to my wife and children each day. I pray that all that I do will be used to give glory to the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Rendering to Caesar What Belongs to God

I have been thinking about this subject for over a month now and finally decided to post it. I guess my thoughts center around this question. Does there get to be a point where our patriotism to our country gets in the way of our service to Christ. Our country is constantly wrapped in heated political debates and Christians are quite often found right in the middle of them. There is this sense that patriotism and our faith go hand in hand and any God fearing American Christian should fight to restore something from days old when in reality I think this allows us to be distracted from what we really should be doing.

Jared Wilson had a post a while back that was about prayer and the right to pray publicly. You can read the entire post HERE. I really liked these words.

"I just wish Christians wouldn't put so much passion into prayer being recognized by the government. I think we can actually harm our witness by constantly crying about our rights and trying to throw our rapidly diminishing weight around. The Church isn't growing in China b/c the government recognizes it and gives it freedom to do whatever it wants."

Dustin told me that on Wilson's twitter account he made a statement along the lines of: "The gospel doesn't need the government." Those two statements really made me think. It seems like Christians fight desperately for their rights to pray, profess Christ, or live out their faith but they spend much less time actually doing any of these things. What good is it for us to have the right to share the gospel if we aren't going to actually share it?

A while back I was at a school function where they started out with having the crowd say the pledges. Everyone was reciting the pledge to the American flag and we were all sounding like a bunch of robots as we recited this memorized pledge of devotion to our flag and country and then we get to "one nation..." and over the entire crowd one man's voice bellows above all others, "UNDER GOD!!!!!!" It was a guttural yell that sounded like it came from someone who was about to go into hand to hand combat with the devil himself. I am sure that man walked out of that assembly with his chest swollen with pride that day. He had made a stand for God in front of all people. The irony of course is that we are not one nation under God and we haven't ever been. Even in times when Americans may have been more spiritual than they are now this has never been a country of only Christians. The second irony comes the fact that we were pledging our devotion to a flag and country who supports and will continue to support things that are disgusting to our God.

Yes there are plenty of individuals in this country who do honor God, but I don't believe our government or our nation as a whole does (even when a Republican is in office.) My pledge of devotion should solely be given to God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe I can do that while still being proud of my country and thankful for the people who have made this country what it is.

"A man may have to die for our country:
but no man must, in any exclusive sense, live for his country.
He who surrenders himself without reservation
to the temporal claims of a nation, or a party, or a class
is rendering to Caesar that which, of all things,
most emphatically belongs to God: himself." -- C.S. Lewis


  1. Check out this post that I just found called Be careful what you worship on July 4. It covers some of the same stuff I talked about in my post, but he words it much better.

