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I am a husband and a father and I pray that I will continue to look more like Christ to my wife and children each day. I pray that all that I do will be used to give glory to the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Watch This

I found this video and liked what it had to say. A lot of it is geared towards men, some towards pastors, but if you don't fit either of those categories, it still applies to the church as a whole. Good thoughts about vision for your church and community and passing on the faith that we have to younger generations.

Check It Out


  1. Interesting video. I know that we've discussed before why so many people in the church are content to fill a seat on Sundays. And I believe we came to the conclusion that the church does not disciple it members worth a darn. I think that's what this guy is saying too when he talks about the church needing men who "finish well" and men who will "invest in the younger men". In essence, this is discipling the younger generation and it's a process that is absent from most churches.

  2. And why is it acceptable for men to continue playing video games through adulthood - but not acceptable for women to continue playing barbies???

    Food for thought.


  3. I agree about churches not doing an effective job of making disciples. I think it was in Radical, but maybe it was another book I read recently where it talked about discipleship not being a class on how to follow Jesus, which a lot of churches do. Some don't even do that. Discipleship needs to be investing ourselves in a new believer’s life, or an immature believer, and really developing a relationship with them. Through that relationship we share the truths of God and help them grow to the point of them being able to do the same for another believer. This is what Jesus Did. Had a small group of men that he invested in, and helped them grow until they were going out doing the same.

    I loved the thought of the video that talked about "finishing well." It made me think, if I died soon, would people be able to honestly say that I finished well. I also thought that I might write a post about it some time soon.

  4. That is a powerful video. That guy was spot on in all that he said. I think the part that kicked me in the gut the most was when he said that Pastors need to shoulder the blame. As a Pastor I often ask myself am I willing to do the things I challenge people with and can I say the words that Paul said in 2 Thess 3:9. I think all of us need to be challenged daily to fight the good fight. Thanks for the post and I would say that you finished well.

  5. Did David die and I don't know about it?

  6. Dustin said that "you finished well" so I figured I must have missed something.
