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I am a husband and a father and I pray that I will continue to look more like Christ to my wife and children each day. I pray that all that I do will be used to give glory to the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Right Now Conference Day 2

Here are some of the thoughts that came out of Day two of the Right Now conference last week.

Paul was a Christ Intoxicated Man. We need to strive to be Christ Intoxicated.—Pete Briscoe (This was actually from day one; I just wanted to make sure I added it in. Think about that statement. If you are intoxicated, it changes you, and you act differently. We should be so overwhelmed with the presence of Christ, that it changes who we are, how we act, and what we do.)

Don’t wrap yourself with an identity achieved; wrap yourself with an identity received. –J.R. Vassar

Look for the significant, not the sensational. –J.R. Vassar

Revival is when God’s people are saturated by His presence. –Joann Hummel

Your identity is not in a position it is in a person. Our identity is in Christ Alone! --J.R. Vassar

Don’t worship your work, but let your work be a form of worship. –J.R. Vassar

What if every job paid the same thing? Would you be doing the same job? --J.R. Vassar

Bigger is not necessarily better when it comes to saving souls. We need to God size our church, not super size our church. –David Kinnaman

Bigness ≠ Deepness --David Kinnaman

The Greek word for church is Ecclesia. It stands for “called out ones.” --Tony Evans

We don’t need to grow the church; we need to be the church. –Tony Evans

This was a great conference. I hope to go again next year. Between now and then I look forward to the Gospel Wakefulness Conference at Conroe Church of Christ with Jared Wilson as the Key Speaker on April 1-2, 2011 and the Sent Conference, which is at Champion Forrest Baptist Church in Houston on April 8-9, 2011.

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