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I am a husband and a father and I pray that I will continue to look more like Christ to my wife and children each day. I pray that all that I do will be used to give glory to the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Open up

A while back I posted on my blog: They Will Know We Are Christians by our...T-Shirts One of the points of it being that we needed to use our words. We need to tell people about Jesus. We can't just be good and expect people to understand the gospel and accept Christ. We have to open up our mouths and share the Good News.

Jared Wilson posted this video of John Piper titled Telling People the Gospel from a Heart of Love and a Life of Service. Piper is awesome! Watch what he has to say about the importance of words and actions.

One of the reasons this really caught my attention was our joining with Compassion United to feed the homeless in our area. It is easy to cook some food and show up serve it with a smile. But if that is all that we do all we have given them a full stomach, which is temporary, with out meeting any spiritual needs, which is eternal.


  1. I hate saying this cliche but actions do speak louder than words. I read a post on another blog that I follow about him being a waiter, the customers left him a measly tip and a tract. That is so confusing to me of why we would think a silly tract is going to lead someone to Christ over being generous. That kind of reminds me of the talk in James about someone having a need, not doing anything about it but just saying, "Go, I wish you well."

    So maybe it should be, "They will know we're Christians by our tips!" :)


  2. Charlie

    I agree that our actions are important. If our words say one thing and actions something different then our words are hollow and hold no meaning. But if all I do is act right and treat people right, but don't share with them that it is because of Jesus, then my actions don't lead them to the truth. Anyone can be nice, generous, or helpful. We need to verbally clarify why we are doing all of those things with our mouths. If we don't do that then as John Piper says in the video, "We aren't really loving them!"

  3. There are plenty of non-believers who are nice people. They treat their wives, children, neighbors, etc. very well. They are good employees and generally nice people. And I bet they even tip well too!

    Nice behavior is not something that is solely found in professing Christians. In fact, behavior modification has nothing to do with Christianity at all. Being a follower of Christ means that your dead, rotting soul has been given life by a God who would be completely justified in sending your sinful butt to hell.

    In this case, I can't really agree that actions speak louder than words. My lost neighbor is not going to instinctively know that I am a Christian by my actions. He will know through our conversations.
