There is a lot of talk these days about Christians becoming more radical. And it is good discussion. It is this discussion that is calling us to a more devoted walk with Christ. David Platt had his Radical Sermon series and now has his Radical book. Not just Platt that is addressing this issue. Many Evangelicals have been on this topic over the last few years. I love the discussion, because I want to live up to the life that I have been called to.
The thing that makes the radical faith hard are the statements that are used to start this discussion. "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters..."Luke 14:26 or "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Luke 18:22
What do we do with these statements? Some will dismiss them and say they are not relevant. Some will take them to heart literally and choose to walk that path. Is there somewhere between those two responses that allows us to really follow God's will? Can I be radical enough if I don't literally sell everything I have and give to the poor? Is there a way to radically love my wife that points people to God? Or by asking that am I the guy that Chan talks about in the video above that is looking for a "new middle road" to follow? A while back I was on Bill Streger's blog and took his advice to go to a blog with a post titled, The God of the Mundane. This post addresses the radical calling from another angle. Here is one of the thoughts from the post. I would encourage you to go read the whole thing.
It is almost like a new legalism is emerging. "Quit your job. Do something crazy. Pick up and move. If you do not then you are suspiciously lacking in the necessary requirements of what we deem 'spiritual.'--Matt Redmond
When I read that, I thought maybe I am being a little bit like the Pharisees. If people don't follow these statements from Jesus exactly like I do, then they aren't real believers. That is what the Pharisees did. But then I think these are words from Jesus' mouth. I can't ignore them. So what are we to do?